
Several times a year, we send out a newsletter. An archive is below. Feel free to sign up as well.

Volume 01

This volume focused on the astrological and symbolic images in the Chinese calendar. This is a central focus in how Chinese medicine conceives of the world, health, and treatment.

Live Large During these Last Days of Summer!

 🫖 🌲Teas, trees, and knees... Oh my!🏔️🚶🏾‍♀️

Volume 01 Issue 05

The Solstice is Today


🦋 Float like a Butterfly!


Volume 01 Issue 04

Summertime and the Living is Easy

😎Wait... Summertime? Are you crazy?😎

Volume 01 Issue 03

Spring has Sprung! Are you ready to jump?

🌸🌞😄And with it comes the rains, allergies, and the dragons! 🌧️👃🏼🐉

Volume 01 Issue 02

Shake into Spring!

🪇🪇🪇Shake, shake, shake ... shake, shake, shake ... Shake your body ... shake your body! 🪇🪇🪇

Volume 01 Issue 01

Sign up for Future Newsletters Below

Volume 01 Issue 05: Live Large During these Last Days of Summer!

🫖 🌲Teas, trees, and knees... Oh my!🏔️🚶🏾‍♀️

We continue our journey coursing through the East Asian astronomical and astrological markers of the season. By now, you shouldn't be surprised to hear that summer ends and fall begins on August 2nd.

Newsletter Contents

  • Clinic Update: Newsletter Survey
  • Seasonal Insights: Savoring the Shift from Midsummer to Fall's First Breath
  • Health Tips for the Season: Touching Autumn and Staying Seasonally Mindful
  • Educational Opportunities: Four Part Quarterly Lecture Series on Detoxification
Volume 01 Issue 05

Volume 01 Issue 04: The Solstice is Today

🦋 Float like a Butterfly!

In today's newsletter, we go into the connection between summer, the solstice, and the Chinese mythological phoenix. All three emphasize the development of flow and I offer a little qigong technique to feel that flow in your body. Finally, Anna's provide some sun tea recipes for you to try at home.

Embrace the light and become radiant!

Newsletter Contents

  • Blog Post: Fun with Sun Tea by Anna
  • Seasonal Insights: The Solstice and the Phoenix
  • Health Tip: Flow States
    Educational Opportunities:
  • Limited Time: Access All Our Community Health Lectures
Volume 01 Issue 04

Volume 01 Issue 03: Summertime and the Living is Easy

Summertime and the Living is Easy 😎Wait... Summertime? Are you crazy?😎

As we near the solstice, from the East Asian perspective, summer has already started. We use this understanding of nature to help guide our understanding of the body and how to best treat people and their health conditions.

Newsletter Contents

  • Clinic Update: Fullscript Spring Wellness Sale
  • Seasonal Insights: Summer Starts Now?
  • Health Tips: Treating Seasonally 
  • Educational Opportunities: End of the Month Lecture
Volume 01 Issue 03

Volume 01 Issue 02: Spring has Sprung! Are you ready to jump?

🌸🌞😄And with it comes the rains, allergies, and the dragons! 🌧️👃🏼🐉

 Since I last sent a newsletter, we entered into the New Year according to the Chinese calendar and we just passed the equinox. We’ll talk about the New Year and the seasonal changes from the Chinese medical view and give some pointers on how to use our local seasonal conditions to vitalize our mind, body, and spirit.

Newsletter Contents

  • Clinic Update: Quarterly Bookings
  • Seasonal Insights: Year of the Wood Dragon and Qingming
  • Health Tips for the Season: Allergies
  • Educational Opportunities: Yoga for Functional Core Strength
Volume 01 Issue 02

Volume 01 Issue 01: Shake into Spring!

🪇🪇🪇Shake, shake, shake ... shake, shake, shake ... Shake your body ... shake your body! 🪇🪇🪇

In this edition, we will delve into the topic of rest and renewal as a seasonally appropriate mindset for achieving wellness and longevity. As the chilly winds of winter blow, the Chinese agricultural calendar recognizes the start of spring by the ground's tremors as life awakens anew. How can we prepare ourselves for this shift and take advantage of the fresh opportunities that come our way? 

Newsletter Contents

  • Clinic Update: New Texting Number
  • Seasonal Insights: Winter Blows Cold Winds, But Spring is Shaking Below
  • Health Tips for the Season: Unlocking Vitality with Qigong Shaking
  • Educational Opportunities: Yin Yoga
  • Educational Opportunities: Upcoming Quarterly Lectures 
Volume 01 Issue 01

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